Omega-9 fatty acid is a monounsaturated fat that is also known as oleic acid. It is not considered an essential fatty acid because of our body's ability to produce it in small amounts. However, this can only happen if the essential fatty acids (EFAs) omega-3 and omega-6 are present – if the body is low on one of these EFAs it cannot produce enough omega-9. In this instance, omega-9 transforms into an essential fatty acid because of the body’s inability to produce it. While omega-9 is crucial to the body, it plays a much smaller role than the essential fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6. Primarily, omega-9 has a positive health affect on the lowering of cholesterol levels and promotes healthy inflammation responses within the body. Other major health benefits of omega-9 include the reduction of the arteries, reduction of insulin resistance, improvement of immune function, and provides protection against certain types of cancer.

Omega 9 is mainly used when there is an insufficiency of either omega 3, omega 6 or both. When the body doesn't have enough omega 3 or omega 6, it tries to compensate by producing omega 9 fatty acids to take their place.

Some n−9s are common components of animal fat and vegetable oil. Two n−9 fatty acids important in industry are:

arw Oleic acid which is a main component of olive oil and other monounsaturated fats.

arw Erucic acid which is found in rapeseed, wallflower seed, and mustard seed. Rapeseed with high erucic acid content is grown for commercial use in paintings and coatings as a drying oil. Rapeseed oil, with some of the acid removed, is commonly known as canola oil.

What is Omega 9?
Omega-9 fatty acids are a class of unsaturated fatty acids which have a C=C double bond in the omega-9 position. Some omega-9's are common components of animal fat and vegetable oil. There are two omega-9 fatty acids that are considered important. They are Oleic acid and Erucic acid. Omega-9 acts to regulate the immune system. It makes cells healthier and reduces cellular and tissue inflammation, heat, redness, swelling, and pain. Lubricates joints so that even in bone-on-bone situations, pain is reduced and healing promoted.

Each EFA (3, 6, 9) share a symbiotic bond that requires each other to operate to their fullest potential and to provide the body with most positive health effects as possible. A lack of omega-9 in the body can have a detrimental effect that the benefits the other omega fatty acids provide.

Signs of omega-9 deficiency can include:

arw Eczema-like skin eruptions

arw Bumps on the back of upper arms

arw Cracking/peeling fingertips

arw Dandruff

arw Hair loss

arw Behavioral changes

arw Dry glands

arw Male sterility

arw Growth retardation

arw Dry skin

arw Dry Eyes

arw Miscarriage

arw Irregular heart beat

arw Craving of fatty foods

arw Stiff or painful joints
Where is it Found?
Omega 9 is present in all animals and plants; excellent sources include olive, canola, peanut, safflower, and sunflower oils. Other great sources are avocados, peanut butter, nuts and seeds. Following have been found to be excellent sources of providing Omega-9:

arw Olive oil - the best source of omega 9

arw Olives

arw Avocados

arw Almonds

arw Peanuts

arw Sesame oil

arw Pecans
  Pistachio nuts
arw Cashews
arw Hazelnuts
arw Macadamia nuts
Product related PDF file
Essential Fatty Acids
Benefits / Uses

arw Lowers cholesterol levels, thereby reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease

arw Reduces atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries)

arw Reduces insulin resistance, thereby improves glucose (blood sugar) maintenance

arw Improves immune function

arw Provides protection against certain types of cancer

Initial dose: Two capsules 2 times per day for 15 days. Maintenance dose: 1-3 capsules per day as needed. For best results, avoid caffeine and alcohol during loading dose, and insure that water intake meets or exceeds 64 oz. per day.

It should be known though that consuming omega-9 gradually throughout the day (much like time-released supplements) is much more beneficial to the body than consuming the entire daily amount through a single dosage.

Possible Side-Effects / Precautions / Possible Interactions
As omega 9 is typically used in ratio with omega 3 and omega 6, be cautious if using anticoagulants or antiplatelet drugs due to the increased risk of bleeding. As with all drugs and supplements, consult a health care professional before use. Omega 9 has no reported side-effects but as it is used with omega 3 and omega 6, watch triglyceride levels.

While omega-3 and omega-6 have some (rare) reported side effects, omega-9 has none. However, be cautious if you are using anticoagulants or antiplatelet drugs due to an increased risk of bleeding.

Research Studies / References

arw Lipomics. "Mead acid". Retrieved February 14, 2006.

arw Phinney, SD, RS Odin, SB Johnson and RT Holman (1990). "Reduced arachidonate in serum phospholipids and cholesteryl esters associated with vegetarian diets in humans". Retrieved February 11, 2006.